We know we need to brush our teeth for two minutes, twice daily. But do you know how to brush your teeth for the best possible clean? Here are a few tips and tricks. The Right Brush Use your toothbrush for just a few months, then throw it away. This means that if your toothbrush is about three to four... read more »
If your smile has been marred by chipped teeth, or one or more of your teeth are misshapen, too small, spaced too far apart or discolored, dental bonding may be the answer to your problems. Bonding is a great long-term solution to improving the look of your teeth, and it is one of the least-expensive options available. When a bond... read more »
Are there moments when your teeth suddenly hurt? For example, if you take a bite or a drink of something cold, hot or sugary, do you experience pain, or another sensation in your teeth for a moment or two? You are dealing with sensitive teeth, and there can be several causes. You may have a crack in your tooth. Often,... read more »
Are you aware of all the tips and techniques you can use to enhance your smile? Lifestyle choices, the foods and drinks you consume, and oral health care cleaning habits can all vastly influence the overall health of your smile and your oral health. It is important to always make sure you're not partaking in any lifestyle habits that can... read more »
If you suffer from gum disease, you may immediately find yourself with a number of serious questions. For instance, you could wonder how serious gum disease actually is or what might have caused it. Furthermore, you may want to know what you can do about gum disease. Sadly, periodontal disease can cause a number of serious problems, though you brushing... read more »
Gum disease is a terrifying dental issue, especially because it can result in infected gums and loose and lost teeth if it’s not treated. This disease forms when you fail to remove the plaque from your teeth on a regular basis. Now, as you may already know, you’re more likely to suffer from this disease if you have braces because... read more »
The holiday season brings with it a ton of great food, but that food isn't always the best for your oral health. That's why, if you want to have the happiest holidays possible, you'll also focus on making sure your teeth are happy during this season as well. Let's look at some simple oral hygiene tips to help you through... read more »
Does your child think oral hygiene is a drag? Does this make them uninterested in cleaning their smile? If so, our Dental Designs of Bountiful team has some recommendations for you that could help make oral hygiene more exciting for your child. We encourage you to try the following things: -Get products that are made for kids: If you walk... read more »
Did you know that cavities are simply another name for tooth decay? Fortunately, the number of cavities Americans have every year has decreased significantly. This is due in large part to increased awareness of the importance of oral health, including brushing and flossing to prevent cavities. But tooth decay is still a major problem in many areas. How much do... read more »
Once you have finally placed your new dental crown, it’s time to start taking care of it. Just like your natural teeth, it is extremely important to care for your crown by doing the following things: · Brush: Make sure you brush your smile at least two times a day. You are more than welcome to brush more often if... read more »
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