You Can Completely Replace a Missing Tooth with a Dental Implant

Here at Dental Designs of Bountiful we understand that the loss of a tooth is a serious cause for concern. Beyond simply impairing your ability to chew food it can also slur your speech and mar your smile. One of the most effective methods we commonly recommend in a situation like this is to have the tooth completely replaced with... read more »

Creating an Oral Hygiene Routine

Good oral health is important, but it's not achieved solely through brushing twice a day. You need to create an entire oral hygiene routine if you want your teeth - and oral health - to stay in tip-top shape. And, with the proven link between oral health and your overall well-being, it's worth the few extra minutes a day to... read more »

Replacing a Missing Filling

It’s not unheard-of for an old or large filling to fall out as a result of the ravages of time and the pervasive nature of the bacteria in your mouth compromising the cement. This can be a serious cause for concern. It could compromise the full function of your mouth, mar your smile, and even cause pain or infection. In... read more »

The Treatments You Need to Stop Your Teeth-Grinding Habit

Do you grind your teeth? If so, your smile is prone to tooth fractures, tooth wear and tear, and jaw issues, which is why it’s best to stop grinding your teeth as soon as possible. However, our Dental Designs of Bountiful team understands that this may be a bit difficult, which is why we are happy to help you. So,... read more »

What to Do If You Break Your Dental Crown

Have you broken your dental crown? If so, there is no need to worry! Our Dental Designs of Bountiful team is happy to tell you what to do so you can improve the situation. When you’ve broken a dental crown in Bountiful, Utah, please do the following things: Call your dentist The first thing you need to do is call... read more »

3 Reasons to Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

Before you cancel your dental cleaning this month, think about your smile. Dental cleanings are vital if you want a strong and successful oral health for a lifetime, and it’s very important to have a cleaning every six months. Dental cleanings can do many things for you and your pearly whites, including: They prevent cavities The main task of your... read more »

How Do I Take Good Care of My Dental Crown?

Once you have finally placed your new dental crown, it’s time to start taking care of it. Just like your natural teeth, it is extremely important to care for your crown by doing the following things: · Brush: Make sure you brush your smile at least two times a day. You are more than welcome to brush more often if... read more »

Tips for Improving your Flossing

Along with brushing and regular dental checkups, flossing is one of the cornerstones of an effective oral hygiene regimen. Ideally, you should flossing at least twice a day, after you have finished brushing. You might prefer to use waxed dental floss, if the spaces between your teeth are tight. The waxy coating helps the floss slide into tough spaces easier... read more »

Understanding Tooth Whitening Strips

A bright white smile says a lot about you. Unfortunately there are a lot of things that can stain your teeth or cause them to not look their very best. Age, tobacco use and staining from certain foods and dark beverages can leave you wanting a brighter, whiter smile. Tooth polishing during your twice a year regular dental cleaning can... read more »

Got Sensitive Teeth? Here’s What You Can Do

If you have sensitive teeth, you understand how inconvenient and painful eating and drinking your favorite foods and drinks can be. Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that could be caused by many different things, but we are here to help you find a remedy that can relieve your tooth sensitivity and give you the comfort you deserve! The... read more »