Are you suffering from halitosis? Halitosis, also known as bad breath, refers to a condition in which foul odors emanating from your mouth. In order to prevent bad breath from arising, always practice prevention plans to keep it at bay. Consider the following questions to determine if you are doing enough to keep your smile safe from the dangers of... read more »
The holiday season brings with it a ton of great food, but that food isn't always the best for your oral health. That's why, if you want to have the happiest holidays possible, you'll also focus on making sure your teeth are happy during this season as well. Let's look at some simple oral hygiene tips to help you through... read more »
Did you know that cavities are simply another name for tooth decay? Fortunately, the number of cavities Americans have every year has decreased significantly. This is due in large part to increased awareness of the importance of oral health, including brushing and flossing to prevent cavities. But tooth decay is still a major problem in many areas. How much do... read more »
Before you cancel your dental cleaning this month, think about your smile. Dental cleanings are vital if you want a strong and successful oral health for a lifetime, and it’s very important to have a cleaning every six months. Dental cleanings can do many things for you and your pearly whites, including: They prevent cavities The main task of your... read more »
Have you ever heard of gingivitis? If not, let me tell you a little bit about it. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, and it occurs when the plaque on your teeth begins to irritate your gums. The longer the plaque resides on your teeth, the more the plaque will grow and destroy your gums. As time passes... read more »
How often should I get a dental cleaning? If you wish to have a strong and healthy smile, it is very important that you receive a dental cleaning every six months. If you have oral diseases, like periodontal disease, it is best to receive a cleaning every three months, but your dentist will happily confirm that with you. If you... read more »
Mouthwashes leave freshness to your breath and help clean food debris from your teeth. But some mouthwashes can do even more than that. Learn about the different types of mouthwashes and decide which one is for you. Therapeutic and Cosmetic Mouthwashes These are the two main types of mouthwashes, each having different benefits. Therapeutic: This kind does the best at... read more »
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